About Us
Pritchardville Elementary has been in existence since 2010 and we have enjoyed the process of establishing a culture that is conducive to students being well prepared to compete academically on a global scale and supplied with the background that will help facilitate a successful future. Pritchardville was named as one of six LEED certified schools in the state.
Pritchardville Elementary School serves a diverse population of over 800 students in grade Pre-K thru 5th grades. Fifty One percent of the student population qualified for free or reduced lunch. We are a school-of-choice that provides curriculum from the Advanced Mathematics Engineering and Science (AMES) Program in grades 3 thru 5. The project based AMES curriculum incorporates the engineering cycle within standards performance based lessons.
Pritchardville Elementary School offers a menu of value added enrichment programs throughout the school year for our students. A few examples include: AMES Showcase Nights, ESOL Books and Breakfast Program, Chorus, 2013 School wide Art Show, Sammy Reading Challenge, WPVES News Show, Running Club, Chess Club, and School Patrols.
Pritchardville Elementary School received recognition as a Palmetto Gold Award Winner for overall academic achievement for the 2013-2014 school year. Pritchardville Elementary School has been recognized by the State of South Carolina for our Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) program. PVES students are expected to display REACH (Respect, Effort, positive Attitude, Cooperate with others, and show Honesty to everyone) behaviors in a daily environment at school. Our mascot is the Sea Turtle.